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Cigarette coke diet - cigarette fuel fare

01-02-2017 à 13:41:34
Cigarette coke diet

Experts consider these claims as false advertising and there are current lawsuits against Coke because of their VitaminWater advertising. To Coke executives and board members, profits take precedence over morality, ethics and the well-being of children. There is no health in Coca-Cola beverages regarding human rights, the environment or your health. I find it so comforting, seeing others have also been poisoned by this deadly substance. Coca-Cola remains under fire for producing unhealthy products that are fueling the obesity and diabetes epidemic throughout the world because of the high sugar and caloric content. I salivate thinking about the icy bubbles of DC consuming me from the inside out, its better than sex and any form of an ILLEGAL high. However, around the world, the company continues to push their products to addict children where that pressure does not exist. This time i have cut down to 1. I have been drinking diet sodas (2-3. Aspartame has been linked to brain cancer and to the accumulation of formaldehyde, known to cause gradual damage to the nervous system, the immune system and to cause irreversible genetic damage at long-term, low-level exposure. I worked out he drinks on average 20 cans a day. Its the only thing that makes me feel whole. My name is Mike and I have created this site to help the thousands of people who are addicted to diet drinks like I was kick the habit. After a long, hard day all I want is to wallow in self pity and guzzle can after can of DC. I have started getting really bad headaches recently and I lose concentration very easily now. I am 2 weeks into breaking this life-wrecking cycle of addiction that has had a grip on me for the past few years. I have tried kicking the habit but it never last more than a few days. Aspartame, now known as AminoSweet, has been linked to numerous diseases and health problems.

I hate tea and coffee and wont touch normal coke. Tell Coke: Stop Running Ads Claiming that Diet Coke and Aspartame are Healthy. Multiple studies, including one published in 2010 by the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine have concluded just the opposite. I enjoy them so much because it keeps my energy going for hours since I work 2 jobs. This was an exciting time in my life and I wanted to share my experience with those who struggle as I did to quit this tough addiction. Due to the mass marketing and consumption of Coke products, millions are addicted to these products due to the caffeine, sugar and aspartame. My husband has a bad Diet Coke addiction. Josh Here, I drink around 24 cans in around 3 days and have done for the last 6 years. I feel a lot better, no achy joints, no headaches and have more energy. I can feel my body eroding away every time I take a sip from the devils cup, my heart being crushed. In the United States, because of public pressure, Coca-Cola has had to less aggressively market their products to children. In addition, there are food dyes and other chemical additives in Coke products that are known carcinogens. Drinking Diet Coke will help you stay thin and healthy. I now have no choice to give it up after 6 hours of agony yesterday from a stomach ulcer I got from it. I want to share how I broke a 7 cans a day, for nearly 10 years Diet Coke habit, in just 5 Days with no withdrawal symptoms at all. I have hidden it from my family when they say anything. 2 litres a day, it has only been 3 days but early signs are promising. Phosphoric Acid in Coca-Cola and Diet Coke has been shown to destroy bones by contributing to osteoporosis and destroying teeth. I drank 2 litres of DC a day for the last 8 years. Like the cigarette companies, Coke circumvents attempts to protect young people whose health is jeopardized by these products. 5 litres a day) for about 17 years.

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